office interior design Archives - Houseyog Beautiful Homes, Designed Your Way Fri, 23 Jul 2021 06:01:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 office interior design Archives - Houseyog 32 32 13 Office Interior Design Tips and Ideas for Small Space Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:52:29 +0000 Research suggests that a properly designed office space not just looks good and appealing, but it is directly connected to the performance of the people working in the office. Studies suggest that good office interior design can have a positive impact on the performance of the employees. While a not so good and comfortable interior… Continue reading 13 Office Interior Design Tips and Ideas for Small Space

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Research suggests that a properly designed office space not just looks good and appealing, but it is directly connected to the performance of the people working in the office. Studies suggest that good office interior design can have a positive impact on the performance of the employees. While a not so good and comfortable interior design and office environment can have a negative impact on the performance of the people working in the office.  If you are planning to design and decorate your office, then you may like to check these amazing office interior design tips and ideas to design your small office.

The layout of the office, the presence of natural light, the color of the walls, and the kind of office furniture being used are all equally important. These smaller elements can help boost the mood and the energy levels of the employees, and thereby increase their overall productivity.

By using some creative and efficient office interior designing ideas, you can increase the every day performance of your team.

Here are a few of the best office interior design tips and ideas you should check and consider.

Use the space wisely

When you are designing and decorating a smaller space, you have to be very careful in using the space. In fact, you should use the space wisely, even if you have plenty of space. The layout of the office space should not just look good, but it should be designed for efficiency. It should also accommodate a few extra work stations so that when the team grows, they can accommodate a few more people in that office space.

The right layout of the office space is crucial and plays an important role in the overall office interior designing. If the work desks or cubicles are too small, then the employees may get frustrated and eventually lose concentration. But, if the desks and cubicles are designed to be just the right size, the team can sit and work comfortably.

Use right layout

The selection of the layout for work desks can be made based on the needs of your employees. Both open offices and offices with cubicles are good. But, it depends on the specific requirements and nature of work. Like for those who are working over the telephone for maximum time, cubicles are best. In cubicles, they can talk comfortably. However, if the work involves working on computers, and you wish to accommodate more people in a smaller space, the row layout and workstation will work well.

Use right layout

Whatever be it, make sure your office is well organized and free from clutter. It is also important for you to see that there is sufficient moving space. And the overall office environment is relaxing, inspiring and comfortable for your employees to work efficiently.

Comfortable furniture

Comfort should be your top priority when you are choosing furniture for your office. This is because an employee will not have any problem sitting in an old fashioned chair. However, if the chair is not comfortable, your employees may not be able to sit on it for long. And then, that is going to directly affect their work.

So when choosing the office furniture, your priority should be the space it would occupy, comfort and then the looks and style of the furniture. You should go with comfortable furniture and then look for something that makes the whole space look beautiful and professional.

Allow natural light

Natural light can be instrumental in uplifting the mood and increasing the productivity of the people working in your office. It helps boost the mood, increase the energy levels and create an overall positive work environment. And all of these contribute to better work performance of the team. Exposure to natural daylight at workspace also helps individuals sleep better. It also improves the quality of life of the individuals to an extent.

So, it is important to use the windows smartly, so that the natural light can enter inside the office space.

Use bright colors

While many people prefer using neutral colors while painting their office, in reality, the dull and boring colors may dampen the spirits of the employees. The overall environment can become sad and depressing. This is why it is recommended to use vibrant and bright colors. It will make the overall office environment inspiring, energetic, positive and enthusiastic.

Use potted plants

There are any benefits of keeping indoor plants at your home and office. It is very important to add greenery, even when you are designing your office in a smaller space. Not because the plants help purify the indoor air but also because by adding plants, you can make the space green and lively. And that can eventually help increase the productivity of the teams.

Use potted plants

Potted plants inside the office can help reduce stress, fatigue and anxiety within the team members. And that’ll lead to better work performance. Moreover, plants also beautify the space. So you may like to consider keeping potted plants when working on your office interior design project.

Avoid clutter

Irrespective of whether you are renovating an old office or setting up a new small office, you should look to make it free from clutter. Pay proper attention to the layout to ensure that the office is not very crowded and clumsy. There should be proper storage options available to every employee. Not just for storing the official documents but also for storing their personal items. There should be proper shelves and cabinets for storing the books and other decorative pieces. Separate shelves should be allotted for keeping the office accessories. Also, to avoid clutter, you may like to use storage baskets or boxes to store the papers, stationary and other office supplies properly.

Create lounging space

A stringent work environment is not a favorable one. Here the employees may feel too restricted which can affect their work performance. In contrast to that, if your office has a lounging space, then that would keep the employees motivated to work. You can easily get that done by adding bean bags, couches or hammocks to the space.

Lounging space in office can help your employees to

  • Stretch and straighten their backs
  • Enjoy some hot tea or coffee
  • Have a little bit of chitchat with the co-workers
  • Relax in the lounge when they are free or stressed

Basically, there should be a fun place where the team can relax and hangout when needed. Not that this is a high priority requirement. But you may like to consider adding this space to your office interior design when space permits you.

Reflect your brand

The interior design of your office should reflect your brand. Starting from the outside to the car parking area to the reception to the open space and inner areas, everything should be designed in such a way that it should fit the true identity of your brand and your company. The logo and the brand colors should get reflected and worked out in every space.

Make shelves

While designing the office interior, you should consider adding a few racks and shelves. These racks and shelves can be used to display awards, recognition, to keep books and other decorative elements. Books and periodicals are common in offices and therefore consider adding racks at suitable places like in the lounge area, in the waiting area near reception desk and other suitable areas.

Hang team photos

While designing and decorating your office, it could be a smart idea to display the team photo or any other media coverage etc. Also when you hang team photos, it helps boost the morale of your team. Their confidence will also grow and they will work harder to create more of such happy memories working in the office.

Decorate entrance

Whether it’s home or office, you can’t and should not really ignore the main entrance. Decorating the main entrance of your office is important because that is the part of your office that anyone coming to your office will see. Be it your clients, associates, employees and anyone else, they will enter the office through the entry way and therefore it must be inviting and appealing. It must create a positive impression in the minds of everyone entering the office, especially your clients, associates and employees.

You can make the space very inviting by incorporating fun couches, chairs, wall hangings etc.

Highlight views

If you are lucky and your office has a scenic view, then it is advisable that you highlight that view. This will make the space more interesting, lively and beautiful. Employees will be motivated enough to work and enjoy the beautiful scenic view during the breaks.

Final thoughts on office interior designing ideas

A well designed and decorated office environment is crucial to improve the morale and productivity of the people working in the office. It’s rare to get inspired and motivated to work in a dark, suffocating and lazy work space. Therefore, it is important to design your office space in such a way that it inspires your team and associates.

So, if you are planning to renovate your old office or set up a new office in a smaller space, you may like to make some design consideration that will help you make the office space look good, efficient and functional.

I have already shared multiple office interior design tips and ideas that can be considered to design your small office. Whether you are renovating or designing a new office, you can consider these interior design ideas to design and make an efficient workplace.

By just paying attention to simple things like these, you can transform your office interior design.

  • Keeping the office space clutter free
  • Keeping the space organized and spacious
  • Adding potted plants to the work environment
  • Going for the right wall colors

All of these little tricks and ideas can help create an energetic, enthusiastic and welcoming office environment.

What other office interior design tips and ideas do you think one can use while decorating an office space? Share your design tricks and ideas by commenting below.

The post 13 Office Interior Design Tips and Ideas for Small Space appeared first on Houseyog.

Office Interior Design Considerations for a Functional Office Fri, 14 May 2021 11:05:35 +0000 Office interior design can have a direct impact on the well-being, productivity and creativity of the people working in the office. As per this study, people working in spaces with natural features reported 15% higher well-being and creativity and 6% higher feeling of productivity. Needless to say, office interior design can have a direct impact… Continue reading Office Interior Design Considerations for a Functional Office

The post Office Interior Design Considerations for a Functional Office appeared first on Houseyog.

Office interior design can have a direct impact on the well-being, productivity and creativity of the people working in the office. As per this study, people working in spaces with natural features reported 15% higher well-being and creativity and 6% higher feeling of productivity. Needless to say, office interior design can have a direct impact on your team’s creativity, performance and their well-being. So, a poorly designed office may badly affect the well-being, creativity and productivity of your employees. And that’s the last thing you want for your employee. If you are designing your office and wondering about the best office interior design concepts and considerations that’ll help you to design a beautiful workplace, then here’s all you need to know.

I often go out and meet our prospects and clients and I can tell you I have seen offices that look badly stuffed and congested. It may be unintentional, but it certainly makes their employees stressed and that eventually has a negative impact on their work and productivity. I truly believe that the office interior design should be inspiring, efficient and functional. So when you are designing the interior of your office, make sure to utilize the workspace efficiently and create a professional, calm and comforting environment for your employees.

Top 11 office interior design considerations

Interior designing is all about proper space planning, using the right kind of furniture, simple false ceiling, leaving some breathing space, proper lighting and color combination. Whether you are designing a home or an office, there are certain considerations that can help design and decorate your home and save your money as well.

Here are the top 11 office interior design considerations that’ll help you to design an aesthetically beautiful, functional and efficient office space.

1. Office interior designing expenses

Office interior designing expenses can be huge, especially if you don’t prepare a budget before starting the design process. Although, the actual interior designing cost and expenses depend on the square feet area of the space, office layout, kind of build and finish you want and so on. But, still you should have a budget in mind and using a professional interior designing service can help you figure out the cost to design and decorate your office interior space.

Ideally, you should talk to a couple of interior designing firms. You can search for interior designers and turnkey contractors online, or you can ask your friend and colleague for any referrals. Once you get hold of a professional, just share your office space layout and brief them about your requirements and inform them of any tentative budget you might have thought of. Based on that, they can suggest the best that can be done. Having a budget in mind, will help you as well as the designer designing and decorating your office space.

2. Office interior space planning

Before starting the office interior designing work, you should do proper space planning and create a layout that is functional, spacious and efficient. So, sit down with our interior designer and figure out what to do, and what not to do well in advance.

Having a professional office interior designer on board can help in many ways. They will help with space planning, end to end interior designing, sourcing, installation and everything in between. However, if you do not want to hire a designer, then think through and plan the office interior layout in such a way that you get all the space you need, and it should also allow free movement in the office.

3. Consider technological requirements

Before you start creating the office layout, it is important for you to consider the technological requirements of your office. You may like to talk to the head of the engineering or the IT department to understand if they have any specific requirements. Some important aspects like storage for technology, location of printers, Wi-Fi routers, proximity to the outlets, space for the projectors and screens etc. needs to be considered while designing your office layout. You may even need to create a separate server room and thus it is important to understand the technological requirements from the tech department.

4. Use comfortable office furniture

Comfort is a very important aspect of office interior designing and this is something which you should keep in mind. Your team will be working for hours in the office and therefore it is important to ensure that the work desk, chairs and everything else is comfortable.

The very first thing that you should do is to get rid of all the uncomfortable furniture in your office. Poorly made office furniture can lead to health complications of the employees like backaches, eye strain, migraines etc and therefore, put comfort at the top of priorities.

Ergonomic office desk chairs are a great option for you to start with. Then you can also consider chairs that feature swivel mechanisms, armrest variations, height, width and depth adjustments, padded material etc. as these kinds of chairs are generally considered to be more comfortable for working long hours.

If you are on a budget, you may go for less stylish or old furniture but do not compromise with the comfort factor. Employees can adjust in an old fashioned looking chair but sitting in an uncomfortable chair for long will become both physically and mentally stressful which obviously will affect their work. Using good quality furniture may be a little costlier, but it is worth the costs in the long term.

5. Engage your team in the process

As we know, office interior design may affect the employees’ performance and therefore why not engage them in the designing process. This way, you get feedback and some office interior design ideas on what you and your interior designer are planning and thinking. Moreover, when you engage your team they feel like contributing and are engaged in the  office interior design and renovation process.

For instance, you can allow them to suggest office chars per their wish and once you have many suggestions, you can vote and pick the best one. In short, engage your team in collecting feedback, for their opinion, ideas and creative input during the office interior designing process.

Trust me, the more you allow them to have control over the setup of the workspace, the higher will be the job satisfaction and it has already been proved in a research.

6. Proper lighting

If you want to create a beautiful and efficient work environment in your office, you need to focus on proper lighting. Lighting is directly related to mood, health, productivity and overall wellbeing of people working in that space. Dark and gloomy spaces can actually lead to stress and depression and therefore make sure that your office space is well lit.

In fact, you should focus on natural lighting more than the artificial lights. Don’t restrict natural light sources, let it enter your office space as it will create a positive work environment. The offices with bigger glass windows help create a happy, lively and energetic work environment. And your employees will feel stress free and motivated to work with more efficiency in such an environment.

7. Think collaboration

You can actually encourage your employees to walk to all the portions of your office and enjoy the space that is specially meant for collaboration. The collaborative spaces may be kept simple like, for example, computers set up on tables where many individuals can gather. You can also make the space as comfortable as some plush chairs around. Trust me, such spaces for collaboration will act as proper alternatives to meeting in cubicles.

8. Create space to relax

It is not possible to work at a stretch for too long without taking a break. It may lead to stress and it can also interfere with the concentration levels of your team members. Hence, taking small breaks amidst a busy work schedule is equally important. So, it will be good if you design a work free space where the team members can come, talk to each another and relax for a while. Keep comfortable chairs and couches in this area, so that people can sit there to relax and enjoy their work break.

9. Leave some open space

If you are planning to use every square feet space in the office then you need to reconsider your decision. Using every space will make the whole space look overwhelming and it may be difficult to navigate and work in such space. So, make it a point to keep some spaces open. Also, there should be enough walking space or spaces for gathering in a standing position.

10. Avoid over decorating

I am sure you would want to design your office interior space in a grand way. But at times, things become a little too much, and that must be avoided. Do include art work, office plants, company branding and inspirational quotes etc to make the overall interior space look aesthetically appealing and inspiring.

However, you should avoid over decorating the space. Do not make things too overwhelming for the employees and also for your clients and other visitors by over decorating the office interior space. Keep things simple and organized and it will look more appealing, efficient and functional.

11. Plan for growth

Well, everyone wants their company to grow and talking about company’s growth, your business grows in the future you may have to recruit more people and increase your team size. And, when that happens, you will obviously need to fit more work desks to accommodate more people in the office.

So, while designing your office, do take the future space consideration into account. This will save you from reorganizing or redecorating out of necessity.

Concluding thoughts on office interior designing

Office interior design is directly proportional to the productivity, creativity and well-being of your employees. And therefore, you need to create an efficient office layout that encourages creativity, efficiency and productivity.

There are a few important considerations you  should make when designing the office interior like proper space planning, lighting, creating spaces meant for collaboration and relaxation etc. We have already talked about such considerations and I am sure if you consider these things while designing your office interior, you will be able to create a space that is aesthetically pleasing but not too overwhelming.

What else do you think one should consider for office interior designing in 2021? Share your thoughts, ideas, questions and comment below.

Happy office decorating!!

The post Office Interior Design Considerations for a Functional Office appeared first on Houseyog.
