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The post Best Diwali Home Decoration Items and Ideas Worth Checking Out appeared first on Houseyog.

Diwali is around the corner. It’s a festivity when Indian homes are lit up with upbeat lights, and decorated as attractively as possible and Goddess Laxmi is worshipped on that day.

Before this event occurs, all the Indian homeowners make sure that their houses are spanking clean. It starts with re-painting the house, cleaning the entire house and surroundings, Diwali gift shopping and so on.

Sweets, Bhogs and other offerings are given to Laxmi and Ganeshji and we generally seek their blessings for wealth, prosperity and happiness.

In fact, Indians have become way more conscious than before in terms of embellishing their homes with eye-catching and appealing decorative articles just prior to Diwali.

Wondering how to decorate your home for Diwali? Consider some of these Diwali home decoration items and ideas to get Dipawali decorations right!

Diwali home decoration items and ideas

In case you are also someone like that, then, consider these Diwali home decoration items the next time you are busy beautifying every nook and cranny of your home to celebrate the festival of lights.

Eye-catchy wall-hangings

Beautiful wall hangings are in immense demand nowadays. So, you too can opt for this home decoration item to enhance the look and feel of your home before Diwali.


Since Diwali has a lot to do with the worship of Laxmi and Ganeshji, you can opt for wall hangings with their images on them. In fact, the market of India gets inundated with loads of such attractive wall hangings that you can definitely give a try for Diwali decoration.

Canvas paintings are amazing

When you read a magazine or watch a movie, you must have seen how walls over there are decorated with mind-boggling canvas paintings. So, why not get a couple of them for your Diwali home decoration?

Yes, whether it’s watercolour paintings or canvas paintings, you can certainly dangle a few of them on the walls of your house just before Diwali begins. By doing so, you will not stand out from the crowd in terms of decorating your house tastefully, but these pieces will continue to enhance the aesthetics of your walls for years to come.

Get bright cushion covers

Take a look at the cushion covers of your sofa. Do they look unkempt and in dire condition? If you say yes, then, consider replacing them with brightly coloured cushion covers and just see the difference.

More importantly, Diwali signifies a new beginning to everything. So, altering your cushion covers means exuding that festive mood and charm all around your house.

Besides, vibrant cushion covers like this will also drastically change the appearance of your house, making it look even more elegant and captivating during the festive event of lights and crackers.

Decorate with resplendent jars

We all are going green these days, so make wise use of the spare jars and bottles in your house. If you want, you can put the string lights inside these bottles and jars and place them in your balcony or on the parapets of your windows in whichever you want.

Decorate with resplendent jars

Subsequently, you can hang a few of them in your Prayer Room as well or keep them on your table if you feel like that. All in all, the trend of Diwali decoration with leftover bottles and jars simply rocks.

Flower Vases can get your Diwali Decoration an edge

Even before the occasion of Diwali arrives, we remain utterly excited about who will be coming to our house on that day.

In a word, invitees coming to our residence is a common scene on the day of this festivity. So, make sure that you get your Diwali decoration a unique touch this time.

Everyone loves flowers and the containers wherein they are kept. Hence, if you decorate every part of your house with eye-catchy flower vases with a bunch of resplendent flowers in them, how about that?

Like, you can decorate your dining table with a colourful flower vase aside placing a few of them all across your hallway.

In the case of the latter, try and choose flower vases in lighter tones as they will complement the rest of the interior décor of your home.

Lanterns are just fab!

Earlier, lanterns would be used widely in many households to light up the living spaces in the evening. Fast forward to now, they have become more of a decorative piece than anything else.

In fact, custom lanterns are also in great demand these days. Look into the market a bit carefully and you will find a diverse range of lanterns even with pictures of deities on them.


Lanterns like this are simply perfect for the occasion of Diwali since they give off a religious look and feel all around your home.

What’s more, monochromatic lanterns have also come into being that spread bright colours as soon as they are lit up.

These lanterns are generally made with paper, so, quite handy to use as well. You too can get your personalized lanterns created according to your tailored needs. 

Well, whatever the case, lanterns are one of the finest Diwali home decoration items to opt for.

Diwali Home Decoration with candle stands is on the rise

All of us light up our homes with Diyas (lamps) and candles on the day of Diwali. So, just the way we need candles, we require candle stands too for making our candles look way more appealing and impressive than before.

Home Decoration with candle stands

Hence, take your pick from the assortment of candle stands available online or offline and induce that exuberance of festivity into your home for the entire day of Diwali.

More so, candle stands made of brass have become widely popular these days since the candles look notably gleaming and prominent in them. Alternatively, you can perform the Aarti session before Laxmi and Ganeshji as well, using these candle stands.

Decorative door hangings like Torans are still in demand

Many homeowners still consider decorative door hangings like Torans worth the investment. On the day Diwali arrives, they embellish their doorways with these amazing items.

In fact, you will get Torans in a hell lot of colours, patterns and designs nowadays. Select the ones that you like the most and take your Diwali decoration to new heights.

This Diwali jazz up your living space!

So, what are you waiting for? Diwali is knocking at the door and you got to decorate every bit of your house to the T. Consider getting the Diwali home decoration items mentioned above and embellish your living space in a way that not only looks dazzling but visually pleasing as well.

The post Best Diwali Home Decoration Items and Ideas Worth Checking Out appeared first on Houseyog.
