Kitchens are invariably prone to oil and curries, greases and spices, hence tend to get messy in due course. And that’s why, buying the best kitchen chimney in India is imperative. Aside from absorbing the foul odors and fumes, a kitchen chimney also ventilates the entire area of your kitchen adequately.
In return, cooking becomes a more enjoyable and pleasant experience for you. However, selecting the perfect kitchen chimney from the plethora of options out there can get a bit daunting for most of us. Needless to say there are many chimney variants and it must be selected based on your needs and budget. After all, every kitchen chimney may not work well for any type of kitchen.
So, even by a fidget of mistake, if you end up buying the wrong kitchen chimney, then you may have to regret that for the rest of your life. This is the reason why buying an appropriate chimney that serves the desired purposes in your kitchen has become more important than ever.
8 Things to remember when choosing a kitchen chimney
In fact, there are certain factors worth considering that allow you shop for the best kitchen chimney in India. Take a peek into these tips and you will surely be able pick a useful chimney for your kitchen this time.
Chimney Type
The type of kitchen chimney you will buy will heavily depend on factors like the stove or hob you have, the cooking platform your kitchen is comprised of, the construction and structure of your cookhouse and the alignment of size between the duct in your kitchen and kitchen chimney etc. So, as per the different purposes they serve, kitchen chimneys have been divided into the below mentioned categories.
Corner Chimney
This type of chimney is fitted in your kitchen’s corner, where your cooking stove or hob is situated at the furthest corner of the wall.
Built-in Chimney
Built-in chimneys are installed within the kitchen wood furniture of your kitchen against the wall.
Island Chimney
Island chimneys are ideal for those who have placed their cooking stove or hob at the center of their kitchen, not reclining against the wall. Once installed, you will see this kitchen chimney hanging to the ceiling right above your gas oven and cooking top.

Wall Mounted Chimney
Wall mounted chimneys are generally installed and positioned against the cooktop and wall. Alongside, the hob is also placed beside the wall.

After you skim through each of these kitchen chimney variants and their pertinent features, pick an option that best fits your kitchen and budget. Also, don’t forget to take the dimension of your kitchen and the ducting type seriously into consideration. At the end, make a choice that serves all these purposes in the finest possible way.
Suction Capacity
Kitchen chimneys are available in a hell lot of suction capacities in the market. While some of the variants offer a suction capacity of 700m3/hr others render their users with a suction capacity of 1600m3/hr or more.
Select the suction power based on the cooking style that you generally adhere to in your kitchen. In case you are a non-vegetarian, you can opt for a chimney with a suction power of 1100 m3/hr or more. Besides, if you are a hardcore vegetarian, then it’s better to choose a kitchen chimney with a suction capacity between 800 to 1000 m3/hr.
When it comes to the former, chances are there that more of the deep fried food items are cooked. Such people must get a chimney for their kitchen having a suction power of at least 1200.
Mounting Style
Depending on the layout and design of your kitchen, the mounting style that you should go for with your kitchen chimney can vary a lot. Suppose, you have a circular duct, then, select a chimney that also has a circular pipe resembling that of an exhaust.
On the other end, if you have a cemented duct constructed via a roof, then going for an island chimney or ceiling-mounted chimney would be the best feasible decision. So, always make sure that the shape of the chimney and duct get along well with each other.
Also, homeowners, having an ordinary exhaust hole, can get a wall-mounted chimney installed without thinking twice.
Chimney Size
You need to decide on the size of the kitchen chimney according to the size of the hob or stove that you have in your kitchen. Some of the most commonly available sizes of kitchen chimneys can range between 60 to 90 cm. And you should choose the size as per your tailored needs.
Do you have a stove with three burners or more? In that case, you must opt for a kitchen chimney with a size of 90 cm. On the contrary, if there is a two burner gas oven or stove that your kitchen has, then better go for a size of 60 cm.
Besides, certain brands have come up with a dimension of 75 cm too for individuals having a gas stove of two burners. You can opt for any of these options with respect to your pertinent tastes and preferences.
Filter-less Technology
There are many kitchen chimneys available in the market these days that are integrated with filter-less technologies. In fact, buying any of these variants means you need to do little to no cleaning for it.
Some of them even come with auto-clean technology and advanced oil collectors, for which you may have to shell out quite a bit of money. However, the services that you will get in return will be worth the investment.
So, take your pick today.
Chimney Service and Maintenance
Any kitchen chimney irrespective of the brand needs servicing at continual intervals. So, make sure that you also opt for a brand like that, so that you can ensure a longer lifespan for your chimney through regular servicing and maintenance.
Make sure that the manufacturer you have selected offers on-time service in your area within the expected duration. This is a crucial factor to consider if you really want to enjoy hassle-free cooking for years to come.
Installation Kit
Every kitchen chimney has to be installed with a few components. These include the end cap and aluminum duct that you have to purchase separately from the market. However, there are many chimney brands that include these equipment in the package itself, hence, you need not shell out a single penny for them.
So, make sure that you verify these details unfailingly before buying the chimney of your choice, otherwise you may end up splurging on these installation tools unnecessarily.
Chimney Style’
Generally, the kitchen chimneys that you will get in India come in two different options. Where one category of chimneys are integrated with a straight glass, others have a curved glass in them. You can pick any of these styles according to your individual liking.
However, you cannot avoid the part of practical considerations before making a decision on buying a kitchen chimney in India. So, in case your kitchen is ceiling mounted it’s better to select a straight glass chimney and a curved glass chimney if it is wall-mounted.
In a word, try and strike a balance between what you want and what you need and rest assured that you can zero in on the finest chimney style for your kitchen this time.
Go for a flawless kitchen chimney shopping!
So, what are you waiting for? To get rid of those unwanted fumes, greases and oil in your kitchen, you must purchase a first-rate kitchen chimney. However shopping for the best kitchen chimney in India can get a little worrisome at times.
In case, you are also confused about how to buy the kitchen chimney of your choice, then read the guide above carefully. Consider each of the factors mentioned there back-to-back and snap up a kitchen chimney that is functional and visually pleasing at the same time.