The Divi 5 Public Alpha is available for use on new websites. If you use Divi 5, you’ll notice an update notification for Public Alpha Version 9 today. We release new Divi 5 versions every two weeks, and it gets better each time! If you haven’t tested Divi 5 yet, try it and let us know what you think.
What’s New In Public Alpha 9?
Since the last minor version of Divi 5, we have implemented 70+ bug fixes and improvements, one new feature, and significant progress on three upcoming features. We hide these features behind feature flags until we finish them, regularly merging heavily-tested bits and pieces into the core product. With each update, we make tangible progress towards releasing each new feature.
Divi 5’s foundation is complete. We’ve got the bugs under control. From here on out, it’s full steam ahead on features!
Bug Fixes & Improvements
This version includes a handful of minor fixes and improvements. We are tracking every bug reported and tackling them one by one. In total, we merged 70+ bug fixes and improvements. I listed every change in the changelog below, but here are a few highlights:
- Module Refactor Completed: We finished a major refactor of around 20 Divi modules. A positive side effect of this refactor is that many bugs related to presets and copy/paste styles were fixed.
- Version Rollback: Divi 5 now supports rollback. If you updated to version Public Alpha 9 today and experienced a problem, you can roll back to your previously installed version via the Divi Theme Options.
- Keyboard Shortcuts On Windows: We fixed a bug that was causing Ctrl-based keyboard shortcuts to fail on Windows. You can use Ctrl+S to save now, among other things.
Feature Progress
We’re moving full speed ahead with feature development. We have six teams working full-time on Divi 5. This is what they’re up to. 👇
- Team One: This team fixes bugs and assists Divi Marketplace creators with module conversion. They recently added a way for creators to register a button in the Divi 5 builder bar, which creators can use to launch custom panels.
- Team Two: This team is working on Woo modules, the final feature for Divi 5 to enter beta.
- Team Three: This team is working on editable Theme Builder areas in the Visual Builder, another Divi 4 feature slated for Divi 5.
- Team Four: This team is working on Option Group Presets, which is nearly complete.
- Team Five: This team is working on Advanced Units, which I gave a sneak peek of this week.
- Team Six: This team is working on Divi Design Variables, a previously unannounced feature. Keep reading to learn more!
Here is the progress we’ve made since Public Alpha Version 8.
Divi AI Integration
We finished this feature and released it in Divi 5 Public Alpha 8.1. 🎉 Swing by the release post for all the details. Our full suite of AI tools, including website, layout, section, module, text, image, and code generation, has been added to Divi 5. When mastered, it can significantly improve your efficiency, and it feels like having a helpful designer, copywriter, developer, and photographer at your side.
Option Group Presets
This feature is 90% finished and will be the next feature we release for Divi 5. We aim to finish it next week, but we may not hit the deadline given the remaining tasks. The team is working hard to make it happen. 🤞
This is the most important feature to come to Divi in years, and we couldn’t be more excited. Preset-based design will change the way you build Divi websites forever. To learn more, check out the sneak peek I posted a few weeks ago.
Advanced Units
We’re already 30% finished with this feature, with a targetted release of March 20th. I gave a full sneak peek this week, so watch the video above if you missed it. Advanced Units will introduce support for various CSS units, value functions, and variables to Divi 5. With functions like clamp() and calc() at your fingertips, creating responsive designs with fluid typography will be easier than ever.
Divi Design Variables
It’s another surprise feature! 🤩 We finished Divi AI For Divi 5, and the team involved has started working on their next project. It’s a big one!
Divi Design Variables will introduce a native variable system to Divi, allowing you to create number, string, font, image, and color variables that you can plug into the settings field of any Divi element or preset. Every element using a variable gets updated at once when you update a variable. Leveraging variables and presets to build Divi websites will be game-changing.
I’ll give a full sneak peek of this feature soon, so stay tuned.
WooCommerce Modules
We’re finally making some progress on Woo modules. This team got sidetracked for two months with module refactoring, which became necessary for our upcoming Option Group Presets feature. With that feature slated for release next week and the module refactoring behind us, this team is now at the beginning stages of Woo module development.
Given the importance of this feature in hitting our Divi 5 Beta deadlines, we’ll likely have another team join next month to help finish Woo modules more quickly if progress doesn’t speed up.
Here is a list of all the changes implemented in Public Alpha 9.
- Fixed an issue where the Tabs module was not functioning correctly when a condition was set on a single item, and the condition was evaluated as false.
- Added page condition feature.
- Fixed Countdown Timer module displayed incorrect labels on mobile devices.
- Implemented auto-generated module settings for the Text Module.
- Added link option group for Heading module.
- Fixed an issue where custom CSS is not applying on the Login Title and Login button fields.
- Fixed an issue where the comment module is not getting correct comments in Theme Builder Layout.
- Fixed a bug where styles were applied to the wrong field when the target module had multiple fields of the type being pasted.
- Updated the “Create Divi 5 Module in 10 Minutes” tutorial page to convert the Simple Quick module into an auto-generated module setting.
- Implemented child module callbacks, allowing the Accordion module to use autogenerated settings on the content panel.
- Implemented child module callback, allowing the Slider module to use autogenerated settings on the content panel.
- Implemented child module callback, allowing the Fullwidth Slider module to use autogenerated settings on the content panel.
- Fixed a crash that would happen after using a featured image as background.
- Introduced “Converting to Auto Generated Module Settings” tutorial page to explain converting manually generated module settings into auto-generated ones.
- Fixed being unable to click icons in the settings modal while undocked.
- Fixed an issue where the Option Group Preset icon was not displayed for the Sizing option group using the Blurb module.
- Fixed visibility of option group preset Icon in Visibility group.
- Fixed visibility of option group preset Icon in Scroll Settings group.
- Updated the blog, video slider, icon, testimonial, and menu modules to help modify videos to match the correct videos.
- Fixed an issue where the module breaks when I set the feature image as DC on the section background.
- Fixed the issue with the Slider module title heading level not updating in the builder or on the front end.
- Hide OG Preset Icon into child option groups in button.
- Fixed the Audio module’s cover image, which is not populating while using it via Dynamic Content value.
- Added presetGroup prop to display option group preset Icon in composite groups.
- Fixed an issue where hover state options were incorrectly available for Background and Text Overlay settings in the Slider Module.
- Fixed an issue where if the Tabs module has no children, it shows a border.
- We updated various areas in the “Introduction” and “Getting Started” categories because we’re in Public Alpha now.
- Fixed background colors that are not working correctly within Theme Builder templates.
- Updated the “Social Media Follow” module to use auto-generated module settings.
- Updated the “Social Media Follow Item” module to use auto-generated module settings.
- Added Convert D4 Custom Setting values tutorial first sections like (Object, D4, and D5 code…).
- Added the full suite of Divi AI tools.
- Fixed an issue where the transition custom value is not working on the Bar Counter Item module.
- Updated the Accordion and Accordion Item modules to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the Blog module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the Filterable Portfolio module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the “Fullwidth Map” module to use auto-generated module settings.
- Updated the Fullwidth Portfolio module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the Fullwidth Slider module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the Map and Map Pin module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Updated the Slider and Slide module to use autogenerated module settings.
- Added query-based search functionality.
- We moved the printed default padding for the Row module to Critical CSS processing for the front end.
- Improved module options positioning on small desktop screen sizes.
- Fixed an issue where the comment module is not getting correct comments in Theme Builder Layout.
- We fixed the Divi Helper Modal’s wrong video showing the issue while clicking on a module.
- We fixed the post title module author name persists issue on the front end.
- Created a tutorial for adding a custom button that opens a modal in the Builder Bar.
- Fixed bug with default button font size being 0px when shortcode framework is used to load non-converted Divi 4 content in Divi 5.
- Fixed option group preset dropdown modal visibility issue when insufficient space in the sidebar.
- Updated “Customize Module Settings and Output” tutorial series to add custom modules from the d5-extension-example-modules repository as examples.
- Fixed the fullscreen header in VB, which is not being resized correctly.
- Fixed the title style issue in the Email module while the settings changed from the Description Text settings.
- Fixed an issue where the dropdown modal was incorrectly visible in Option Group Preset Edit Mode.
- Added support for text alignment in tablet and phone devices in both VB and FE.
- Fixed hover content doesn’t work when the attribute value is set for a larger-than-desktop breakpoint while the frontend page is opened at a larger-than-desktop breakpoint.
- Add support for adding custom module settings conversion data.
- Fixed an issue where tooltips were missing on duplicate buttons by ensuring unique tooltip identifiers.
- Fixed broken animations for the Post Navigation module on the front end.
- Fixed border options not working for individual toggles in the accordion module on the front end.
- Fixed the title font style issue in the Login module while changing the font style from the body text settings option.
- Fixed the font style issue of the Title of the Sidebar Module while the value was getting changed from the body text settings.
- Fixed the animation was not working issue in Filterable Portfolio in the visual builder.
- Fixed bug with Testimonial module conversion that caused image div to be rendered when the image is not set.
- Fixed Ctrl-based keyboard shortcuts that are not working on Windows computers.
- Fixed AI button position next to Dynamic button in respective fields in the Divi Settings modal.
- Fixed an issue where editing a Default Preset would unexpectedly select the preset ID assigned as default, causing unintended changes.
- Fixed an issue where other modals remained interactive while the AI modal was open, ensuring consistent modal behavior.
- Fixed refined prompt does not work in the first attempt.
- Fixed upscale Custom Size option opens the incorrect modal.
- Fixed the blog module’s reset button error when the value was added for overlay and its background and then clicked on the reset icon of the overlay option.
- Hide the OG Preset Icon for unsupported groups in Contact Form and Email Optin module.
- Updated module settings snapshots for the Blog, Fullwidth Portfolio, and Filterable Portfolio modules to reflect the latest changes from the release branch.
Jump Into Divi 5 Today
The Divi 5 Public Alpha is available today. As outlined in Divi 5’s original multi-phase release schedule, the Divi 5 Public Alpha is like “Divi 5 Lite.” It’s missing a few features and may not be suitable for existing websites, but it’s ready to be used on new websites if you prefer the experience to Divi 4. Give it a try, and let us know what you think!
If you find a bug, report it to our team, and we’ll fix it. We’ll continue to work aggressively to add new features and address feedback.
Stay tuned for a new Divi 5 version every two weeks. From here on out, Divi 5 will improve regularly through the Alpha, Beta, and beyond.
nice work. wish, it was here already!
The Alpha is available today and suitable for use on new websites!
And while there are still a few issues (it’s an alpha version after all), Divi 5 is well on its way to making it fun to use.
While I can’t wait to have DIVI 5 on my sites, I really hope for better woocommerce modules to be able to display the hierarchy of categories, and not only products in the category itself. I know it’s a feauter missing, and many people are asking it from long time ago!
will divi 5+ ai help build full woocommerce sites? Ie pages, categories, etc?
also, does divi 5’s interface replace divi 4’s current interface? ty
How will updating from 4 to 5 affect current sites?
Divi 5 will have the same set of 20+ Woo modules that currently exist in Divi 4.
Divi 5 comes with a brand-new interface. You can download Divi 5 today and give it a try.
Upgrading will be fast and simple. You can learn more here.
Can someone help me understand why are you working in things like unit variables and group presets instead of flex and nested rows?, This has been asked for years, literally, I really dont get this behaviour.
All of the features we are working on are highly requested. Some are easier than others and will be finished first.
Flexbox and Nested Rows are on our short list of most essential features, and we’ll work on them shortly.
We’re going to give users everything they want, one thing at a time.
Noticed that the Header and Nav feature in Customize briefly appears and disappears in V9.
Loving the new interface overall. Honestly, don’t really need the AI stuff, but I get the push to include it.